Sunday, March 8, 2015

CLX Week 8 Update and Meal Plan

This past week was so crazy busy, I don't even know where all the time has gone.  I don't feel like I accomplished anything, but I must have - I was constantly doing things!
I was so tired Wednesday after parent teacher conferences on Tuesday that I came home and was in bed by 7 pm.  Needless to say, I missed my workout.  I could beat myself up about it.  I could be mad at myself for not sticking to my schedule.  But I'm not going to do that.  I'm going to pick up where I left off, recommit myself to my goals, and move on.
Same thing for the food; I just ate more than I should have this week.  My willpower is it's weakest when I am tired, and one of the other teachers brought cookies in for us on Friday.  I told her I was breaking up with her (JK, Kirsten!),,, and then I ate two cookies.  Sigh.  Dig in.  Recommit.  Remember my goals.
So I DID finish CLX PUSH this week, which is super-exciting.  I get to move on to the final phase, the LEAN Phase.  Not only will I get three new strength training DVD's but since I have the deluxe program, the cardio and abs workouts are getting mixed up, too.  I have a feeling I'm going to be sore, but in a good way.
This week is yet ANOTHER crazy busy week (are they ever not?), but the upside is that beginning Friday, I am on Spring Break, baby!  I'm so excited.  I love my job, but right now I would also really love ten days to recharge.  I have to get through this week first.  Monday is just nuts; social justice dialogue training with the Equity Team kids, PLC meetings, and the off to the Curriculum Review Committee meeting, which always stresses me out.  Wednesday is parent teacher conferences (again), and then Thursday is the Renaissance Assembly, which means the kids, in addition to being excited about the break, will be whipped into a frenzy because of a shortened class schedule (that's is why they are all taking a quiz, bwahahaha!).  Did I mention that I have about 90 essays to grade before Thursday?  Oh yeah, and grades are due on Tuesday.
So anyway, here is the meal plan.  Digging in.  Recommitting.  EATING CLEAN.  (My husband really needs to hide those red velvet cookies... notice they are absent from this meal plan).


Meal Plan for 3/9

Lean Circuit 1
Rest Day
Rest Day
Lean Circuit 2

Get Lean Intervals & Extreme Abs

Lean Circuit 3

Fat Burn Challenge & Recharge
Shakeology, almond milk, and frozen fruit
Shakeology, almond milk, and frozen fruit
Shakeology, almond milk, and frozen fruit
Shakeology, almond milk, and frozen fruit
Shakeology, almond milk, and frozen fruit
Shakeology, almond milk, and frozen fruit
Shakeology, almond milk, and frozen fruit
Strawberries and Greek Yogurt with  a dab of honey
Strawberries and Greek Yogurt with  a dab of honey
Strawberries and Greek Yogurt with  a dab of honey
Strawberries and Greek Yogurt with  a dab of honey
Strawberries and Greek Yogurt with  a dab of honey
Strawberries and Greek Yogurt with  a dab of honey
Strawberries and Greek Yogurt with  a dab of honey
Leftover spaghetti and turkey meatballs; salad
Balsamic Chicken and mushrooms; brown rice, veggies, salad
Crockpot Corned Beef and Cabbage; potatoes
Crockpot Corned Beef and Cabbage; potatoes
Tacos with Organic Grass Fed Beef; salad
Apple and peanut butter
Apple and peanut butter
Apple and peanut butter
Apple and peanut butter
Apple and peanut butter
Apple and peanut butter
Apple and peanut butter
Balsamic Chicken and mushrooms; brown rice, veggies, salad
Crockpot Corned Beef and Cabbage; potatoes
Parent Teacher Conferences – leftovers for dinner
Tacos with Organic Grass Fed Beef; salad
Cheat meal – double date night
Steak and crab legs, baked potatoes, salad
Carrots and hummus
Carrots and hummus
Carrots and hummus
Carrots and hummus
Carrots and hummus
Carrots and hummus
Carrots and hummus
Can I help you learn to make a meal plan?  Let me know!
Until then...

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