Saturday, January 17, 2015

Ten Reasons I LOVE Being a COACH

This past weekend, I left the bitter, hateful cold of St. Louis for the bitter, hateful cold of Pittsburgh, PA.  Myself and two other St. Louis Dream Team coaches hopped on a plane (okay, two planes; layover and all) to help our team roll out the red carpet for Super Friday, Beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler, and celebrity 21 Day Fix Trainer Autumn Calabrese.
The experience was amazing.  This was my first “BIG” Beachbody event, and I didn’t really know what to expect.  Would I know anyone other than the two ladies I was traveling with (and even then, I had only met one of them ONE TIME at a St. Louis Super Saturday event)?  Would I feel like an oddball?  How would the other coaches, some considered Beachbody royalty, treat me?  What if I was a billion miles away and miserable?
I should never have worried.  This trip made my passion for this business burn even brighter and hotter.  It confirmed for me that I am exactly where I should be, doing exactly what I should be doing, with exactly the people I should be doing it with.  Here is my list of reasons:

  1. Beachbody Coaches are REAL people.  I guess I didn’t really know what to expect; on Facebook and the rest of the Internet, they all look so polished.  What could I possibly have in common with such perfect people?  Certainly none of them crave McDonald’s, drink too much coffee, or curse like sailors – right?  The answer is EVERYTHING.  So many of them are Type-A perfectionists just like me!  And they aren’t perfect; sometimes they want a big fat juicy burger, and many of them told me that they were on VACATION that weekend, and that meant indulging in delicious food and beverages.  Yes, there were tons of amazing female biceps there, but I saw people push themselves to failure during Autumn’s workout; I know I certainly could not do ONE MORE push-up.
  2. I already knew most of the people there – and they treated me like we had been friends for years!  Let me just tell you how WEIRD it is to meet people in person for the first time that you have only seen on the Internet before.  Sure, I’d talked with them in trainings, Google Hangouts, and Zoom calls, but they just looked so… REAL!  I cannot even adequately explain it; I was somewhat star-struck.  I felt like I was surrounded by coaches I had admired for so long.  Not only did I recognize them, THEY recognized ME.  It was then that I knew that I REALLY was part of the team.
  3. The mission of the company is TRULY, HONESTLY, to help people lead healthy and fulfilling lives.  Yes, coaches make money.  Beachbody coaching IS NOT a get-rich-quick scheme.  You put in a lot of hard work before it starts to pay off (and I have learned that with consistency it DOES pay off).  So you have to be willing to help people.  I’ve heard Carl Daikeler say it.  I’ve heard all of the top coaches say it.  If you focus on HELPING people in your business, the rest will come.  Imagine being surrounded by SO MANY people who genuinely want to help others.  It gives me a lot of faith in humanity.
  4. The CEO is awesome.  Carl Daikeler?!  Why is he awesome?  Aside from being personable and likable; aside from exuding passion and excitement for what he does; aside from treating coaches like family; aside from creating world-class products that WORK; aside from creating an awesome and rewarding opportunity for people who help others – he just has a wicked sense of humor.
  5. Working out with celebrity trainers.  So, Beachbody coaches work out at home.  Usually alone.  I don’t really like workout buddies; it ties me to someone else’s schedule, and I just do better on my own.  But once in a while, it’s good to work out with other people who like to do the kind of workouts you like to do.  And when that person just so HAPPENS to be the real-live person you work out with to the TV in your living room, well, that’s just COOL.
  6. Happy, positive people.  You know what I noticed this last weekend?  A serious lack of complaining, trash-talking, cattiness, snarkiness, jealousy and back-stabbing.  Why?  Because people who love themselves enough to take care of themselves – and others – the way coaches do DO NOT feel threatened by other people.  They do not need to tear others down to feel better about themselves.  They know that the best way to make themselves feel better is to HELP people and to build them up.  And that, my friends, is the real SECRET SAUCE.
  7. MY coach is incredible.  Somehow, someway, I ended up with literally THE BEST coach in the business.  She was named the #1 coach in all of Beachbody for 2014.  That makes her team, the Dream Team, the number one team in Beachbody.  Melanie Mitro contributes her success to her team, because Beachbody coaching is a team sport.  Melanie knows what good leaders know – that it is her job to remove the obstacles for her coaches so that they can be successful.  She had done so much for me, from one-on-one calls and mentoring to creating amazing training to help me push my business forward.
  8. Training from top leaders on the team.  This weekend, Melanie set up some Dream Team training for us.  It was a three hour session on Saturday morning.  I have a bladder the size of a walnut, and I had two cups of coffee, a Shakeology, and a whole lot of water.  I had to pee REALLY badly for the last hour, but all of the information and speakers were SO GOOD that I didn’t want to miss a single second of it!  I left that session with copious notes and my mind reeling for ways to help people better.
  9. Getting dressed up for events.  Pretty much after you become and adult, the last truly fancy outfit you wear is your wedding dress.  Sometimes it is fun to get all dressed up like you are going to the Oscars!  Now I have a reason.
  10. Meeting people just like me!  For the longest time, I felt like such a weirdo.  I didn’t know many people who liked to work out and eat healthy.  I didn’t know many people who wanted MORE out of life than just to “get by.”  I didn’t know many people who wanted to keep growing and learning, or people who wanted to attract positive things to their lives.  This weekend, I met hundreds of them.  I realized that there is nothing unusual about those things; I just hadn’t found my people yet.  I’m so excited for what the future holds!
If you would like to learn more about being a coach on my team, fill out the application below, and we can chat!  Maybe YOU will find your place, too.


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