You travel for work.
You want to eat clean, and you know you need to eat 5-6 times per day. But there is no mini-fridge at the hotel your secretary booked for you. Also, along with your purse, carry-on, laptop bag, and cell phone, you don't have another hand to carry a mini-cooler, even one that looks like a cute handbag. Did you collect all the bags you were carrying after you went through airport security? Um, yes; it was a shoe that you have forgotten...
You're a teacher.
There IS a mini-fridge in the teacher's lounge... on the other side of the building from any room in which you actually teach. And by the way, you teach in four different rooms all day. You already push around a squeaky cart with your laptop, a plastic crate full of handouts, a paper box full of copies of Of Mice and Men, and a ten-foot tall stack of research papers that you lie to yourself about having a chance to grade during your planning period. There is no room on this squeaky cart for your mini cooler holding your yogurt and berries, and even if there was, by the time you got to eat it, your yogurt would be warm and possibly rancid... gross.
You are on a road trip with your husband and your three children. By the time you've packed the car with everyone's luggage, toys, two car seats, and a Pack-N-Play, you have room for a small cooler... full of juice boxes and Lunchables (because right now, that is all your three-year-old will eat)...
I hear ya! Clean eating is a struggle! Really, it's a process. First, you learn to eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours (maybe regardless of what it is you are eating). Then, it's figuring out which snacks work for you, and when. And then... refrigeration is an issue. This comes up more than you might think, and if it hasn't come up for you yet, just wait; your time will come.
Here, I have compiled a list of clean snacks that do not require a refrigerator. Please note that not all of these will work in all situations; some require hot or cold water, or a bowl and a spoon. Use what works best for you!
#1: Oatmeal
I am not talking about the instant pre-made oatmeal packets with a bunch of strange chemicals and flavorings. Yuck! You can make your own simply and quickly, and then all you need is some hot water or water and a microwave. Most hotels, even if they don't have a mini-fridge, will have a microwave nearby.
Anyway, here is one of my favorite recipes:
1/2 cup oats (not instant)
3 T raisins
1 T chopped pecans
dash pumpkin pie spice
dab of honey for sweetening
I make these up when I do my meal prep on Sunday. I measure all the ingredients out into baggies (except for the honey; I keep a little mini-container in my bag and add it when I heat the oatmeal), and then I can just toss one into my purse in the morning. The downside is that this does require a bowl (or a coffee mug) and a spoon, and a microwave. But if you have access to these things, this can be a great snack. Sometimes I have even made it a meal, and it keeps me full for hours. I just add enough hot water to cover the oatmeal, stir, and pop it into the microwave for about 2-3 minutes.
#2: Homemade Trail Mix
I made this for the first time last week. Amazing! I think I will always keep a baggie of this in my purse for emergencies. Again, I just made up a bunch of these during my meal prep. It is also easy to eat this on the go: while driving, walking, grading, teaching...
Also, I think many variations can be made on this recipe. You could use different nuts, different types of dried fruit or seeds; you could even add some unsweetened coconut flakes or dark chocolate chips! I think I'm going to try that next time, but this is the recipe I made last week:
(In each baggie)
4 dried apricots
1 T chopped walnuts
2 t. pumpkin seed kernels
1 T raisins
#3: Fruit and nuts:
Any whole piece of fruit travels well and doesn't need refrigeration. Add a scant handful of nuts for some protein. Here are some of my favorite combinations:
Apple and almonds
Orange and cashews
Banana and walnuts (so I hear; I don't like bananas)
Pear and pistachios
Nectarine or peach and cashews
Plum and pecans
The possibilities are endless!
#4: Popcorn, nuts and raisins:
You can make these little baggies up ahead of time, too! The raisins make a sweet surprise with the saltiness of the popcorn.
#5: 1/2 a nut butter sandwich:
If you know you will only be gone for the day, this travels well. Natural nut butter usually needs to be refrigerated, but it will be okay for the day. I like natural peanut butter on a slice of cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread, or almond butter sandwiched between two rice cakes (but I will admit this can be awkward to eat in front of your students).
#6: Larabars:
These little bars are lifesavers for me. I make sure there is always at least one in my purse; you know, for those times you are trapped at Home Depot for three hours, or a meeting goes late and you are so hungry you can FEEL your blood sugar crashing. I like that these bars have very simple ingredients: fruit and nuts. They taste good, travel well, and take the abuse of living at the bottom of my purse with no ill side effects. They also come in about a thousand flavors. My favorite are the apple pie, cherry, pie, and chocolate chip brownie. No fridge necessary!
#7: Shakeology
I absolutely agree that Shakeology tastes best when it is made in a blender with at least water and ice. However, sometimes, you don't have that luxury. I keep a shaker bottle, bottle of water, and Shakeology packet in my car. If I am down to the choice of either going through a drive through or eating my own arm, I can mix up a shake in about 30 seconds. It satisfies me until I can get to something healthier and I can avoid french fries that have 17 items in the ingredients list.
I hope this helps you with your meal and snack planning. I think the most important thing is to be prepared. If you know you are going to be running around like a crazy person, plan for it!
But in the meantime...

For high school teachers and other educators needing a healthy, energetic body to keep up with the demands of a hectic career that doesn’t end at 5:00 pm, creating an imbalance in their health, family relationships, and recreational time: Julia McIntyre - Fierce Mind and Body promises to help you focus not only on your health and fitness, but to realign your priorities and achieve balance.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
P90X3 Overview and Review
I'm a bad coach.
It's been a minute since I've blogged... but you know what? Life happens! You get busy. You get overwhelmed. So is the ebb and flow of life... sigh.
I'm sorry. As it is with many teachers, fall is a tough time of the year. There is so much work to be done, and so little time. My dad has always said to me, "Did you do the best you could?" To which I would always give a positive reply, because I really do always try my best. "Then that's all anyone can ask of you."
I love that man.
Anyway, P90X3! P90! Holy Beachbody, Tony! Let me get back on track.
I haev had P90X3 sitting on my shelf for months. I bought it about the same time I injured my neck back in May, and then I was sidelined for nearly two months. From ALL exercise.
Let's talk about torture.
When I could get back to exercising, PiYo had just been released, and I thought that would probably be best for me considering I was coming off an injury. And it was! PiYo was incredible for me. I developed muscle definition like I have never had in my life.
I knew P90 was coming out in September, and I knew I had a gap between finishing PiYo and launching P90, so I dusted off the ol' P90X3 and went to work.
Yes, these workouts are 30 minutes long, but please don't get it twisted; I work my butt off! I chose the Lean Schedule, because, well, who doesn't want to be lean? So here I will discuss what the first block looks like:
Accelerator - Calories burned: 335
Think cardio intervals on crack! Each only lasts one minute, but you work at two different speeds. I consider myself to be in pretty good shape, and I had to stop and catch my breath, then jump back in a couple of times,
Move that convinces me Tony has lost his mind: Donkey Kicks
No, not those sweet little one-leg pulses that work your butt. Think down on all fours, then kicking BOTH legs out behind you in a V. Once you get used to that crazy idea, he basically adds a PiYo kick through to the end of the move. What?! But I WILL get it... you just watch!
The Warrior - Calories burned: 323
This is a routine that Tony has done on military bases across the world. It one minute rounds of circuits that work upper or lower body, cardio, then abs.
Move to Love: Fifer Scissor Twist
You lie on your back with one leg straight out and off the floor, and the other straight up. Extend both arms, the opposite arm of the "up" leg reaching for your ankle. When Tony tells you to, switch! You will definitely feel this in your abs.
X3 Yoga - Calories burned: 157
Don't make the mistake of thinking this is going to be easy. This IS P90X3 Yoga, after all. You get a half an hour of intense yoga sequences. No rest. My body loved it! After all the jumping, spinning, and pushing, it just felt good to STRETCH.
Favorite Move: Tree
Not gonna lie - this is just ME. I love tree pose; I always have. I think this is mostly because it is easy for me! I feel like I could stay there forever.
CVX: Calories burned: 400
This is a mix of cardio with light weights. This workout was my highest calorie burn all week. I like it because the moves are not impossible, but the weight add the necessary challenge to make this workout very effective. I HIGHLY recommend this workout after a stressful day or to relieve some pent-up aggression.
Fun One: Traveling Tire Twist
You hold the weight in your hands at waist level, and then you lift your knees in a high run as you twist at the waist, keeping the weight over the "up" knee. You mimic the high-knees-through-tires move. It's just fun!
Isometrix: Calories burned: 193
At the beginning of this workout, Tony explains that Isometrix is all the hardest parts of yoga. He is correct! You won't get an incredibly high heart rate, but you will sweat, you WILL be challenged, and you will feel it all over the next day. This involves strength, balance, and a lot of mental "I can DO this." Honestly, this is one of the most challenging workouts for me, but it is also one of my favorites.
WTF, Tony? Move: Bound Dog Leg Lift
Imagine downward facing dog. Got it? Okay. Now imagine taking your right hand and wrapping it around your left ankle while still in down dog. That's complicated enough, right? It gets better: then, you lift your left heel toward the sky. I can't get into this position to save my life right now, but I am determined!
Agility X: Calories burned: 363
If I had to choose between Isometrix and Agility X for my favorite workout so far, it would be very difficult because they are about as different as they can get. Agility X involves jumping, plyo, explosive movements, and some fancy foot work. It also involves taping marks on your floors, which I refuse to do to my BRAND NEW floors. So I faked it. I imagined tape, and just pushed as far as I could.
Move that proved something to me: Long Jump Sprint
It's just like it sounds. You take a deep squat and then jump as far as you can, and then sprint backwards to where you started, and do it again. I can jump so much farther than I ever thought I would be able to! I almost need a wider room. Woohoo!
I am really loving this workout. I intend to finish P90X3, but in the meantime, P90 has come out, and I want to try that, too! I may flip-flop back and forth until Insanity Max:30 comes out in December. Click HERE if you would like more information about that!
While doing P90X3, I felt okay with eating a little more food. The workouts are short but intense, and I didn't feel like I was starving nor eating too much. Here is one of my meal plans:
P90 Meal Plan 10.13
Sweat A
Ab Ripper
Sculpt A
Rest Day
– Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sweat A
Ab Ripper
Sculpt A
Sweat A
Ab Ripper
Sunday, lol!)
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 4 ice cubes |
Pumpkin Pie
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 4 ice cubes |
Pumpkin Pie
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 4 ice cubes |
Pumpkin Pie
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 4 ice cubes |
Pumpkin Pie
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 4 ice cubes |
Power Spiced
Poached eggs,
Ezekiel toast, almond butter, apple
Apple and
almond butter
Apple and
almond butter
Apple and
almond butter
Apple and
almond butter
Apple and
almond butter
Apple and
almond butter
Apple and
almond butter
(leftover) honey apple pork and winter
Chicken Parmesan and steamed spinach
honey apple pork and winter squash
(leftover)Healthy Chicken Parmesan and steamed
Sesame Chicken and Green Bean Stir Fry w/ 2/3 c. brown rice
2 halos and cottage cheese
halos and cottage cheese
halos and cottage cheese
halos and cottage cheese
halos and cottage cheese
halos and cottage cheese
halos and cottage cheese
Chicken Parmesan and steamed spinach
Quinoa-Lentil Salad
Warm Quinoa-Lentil Salad
Chicken and Green Bean Stir Fry w/ 2/3 c. brown rice
crusted tilapia and broccoli
Soup and clean crusty bread
Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs
I've come to realize that it doesn't really matter what workout you are doing, as long as you feel challenged and you enjoy it! So find what works for you. If you need help, I can point you in the right direction.
To be considered for my next challenge group, fill out the application.
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